Thursday, November 23, 2006

Anime Hottie of the Day

Taki Shunsuke

from cupkeyk.livejournal

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dated Movie Controversy: Hada

Showbiz columnist Billy Balbastro:

"I got inside info that the parents of the 15-year-old lead actor of Hada, Beejay Morales (real name: Joey Louie Vierneza) want to complain against the director Lau de Jesus and the producer Ernito Baldeo.

Earlier, it was agreed that in all his scene in the movie, there would be no nudity. Not even scenes with mere briefs. At 15, he is still a child.

But in violation of this agreement, a scene in Hada shows Beejay asleep in briefs with “his harapan na talagang pinatigas”. The boy’s mom, Lea Vierneza now wants that scene cut."

Beejay Morales

text and photo from

Links of the Week

Links to Ted Haggard Sex Scandal

Gay Escort Mike Jones Says He Had A 3-Year Affair With Evangelical Church Leader Ted Haggard

Haggard Denies...

...Then Admits To "Sexual Immorality"

"I've known pastor Haggard for a long time... That's the last thing he'd succumb to."
--Rev. Donald Armstrong.

Newsweek Multimedia Showcase, featuring "Fallen From Grace: Scandals That Have Undone Men of the Cloth". observes that many anti-gay Republicans turn out to be gay.